100 Classic Books To Read – ClassicLiterature.com

100 Classic Books To Read – ClassicLiterature.com

The ClassicLiterature.com Top 100 is a list of the top 100 must read classics. If your favorite is not on the list, it’s #101 :). This list is subject to change based on input from readers. Feel free to post in the comments classic books you feel should be in the top 100. Thanks.

Book TitleAuthor
1984George Orwell
A Clockwork OrangeAnthony Burgess
A Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway
A Passage to IndiaE.M. Forster
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManJames Joyce
A Room with a ViewE.M. Forster
A Tale of Two CitiesCharles Dickens
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Betty Smith
Absalom, Absalom!William Faulkner
All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque
All the King’s MenRobert Penn Warren
An American TragedyTheodore Dreiser
Animal FarmGeorge Orwell
Anna KareninaLeo Tolstoy
As I Lay DyingWilliam Faulkner
BelovedToni Morrison
Brave New WorldAldous Huxley
Brideshead RevisitedEvelyn Waugh
CandideFrancois Voltaire
Catch-22Joseph Heller
Crime and PunishmentFyodor Dostoevsky
Don QuixoteMiguel de Cervantes
DraculaBram Stoker
East of EdenJohn Steinbeck
EmmaJane Austen
Fahrenheit 451Ray Bradbury
FaustJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
For Whom the Bell TollsErnest Hemingway
FrankensteinMary Shelley
Go Tell It on the MountainJames Baldwin
Gone with the WindMargaret Mitchell
Gravity's RainbowThomas Pynchon
Great ExpectationsCharles Dickens
Gulliver's TravelsJonathan Swift
Heart of DarknessJoseph Conrad
I, ClaudiusRobert Graves
In Search of Lost TimeMarcel Proust
Invisible ManRalph Ellison
Jane EyreCharlotte Bronte
Journey to the End of the NightLouis-Ferdinand Céline
Lady Chatterley's LoverD.H. Lawrence
Leaves of GrassWalt Whitman
Les MiserablesVictor Hugo
Little WomenLouisa May Alcott
LolitaVladimir Nabokov
Lord of the FliesWilliam Golding
Madame BovaryGustave Flaubert
MiddlemarchGeorge Eliot
Moby DickHerman Melville
Mrs DallowayVirginia Woolf
Native SonRichard Wright
Of Human BondageW. Somerset Maugham
Of Mice And MenJohn Steinbeck
On the RoadJack Kerouac
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s NestKen Kesey
One Hundred Years of SolitudeGabriel García Marquez
Pale FireVladimir Nabokov
Pride and PrejudiceJane Austen
RebeccaDaphne du Maurier
Robinson CrusoeDaniel Defoe
Slaughterhouse-FiveKurt Vonnegut
The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnMark Twain
The Aeneid Virgil
The Age of InnocenceEdith Wharton
The AlchemistPaulo Coelho
The Brothers KaramazovFyodor Dostoevsky
The Call of the WildJack London
The Catcher in the RyeJ.D. Salinger
The Count of Monte CristoAlexandre Dumas
The Divine ComedyDante Alighieri
The Grapes of WrathJohn Steinbeck
The Great GatsbyF. Scott Fitzgerald
The Handmaid's TaleMargaret Atwood
The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter Carson McCullers
The IliadHomer
The JungleUpton Sinclair
The Lord of the RingsJ.R.R. Tolkien
The Magic MountainThomas Mann
The Master and MargaritaMikhail Bulgakov
The MetamorphosisFranz Kafka
The OdysseyHomer
The Old Man and the SeaErnest Hemingway
The Picture of Dorian GrayOscar Wilde
The Pilgrim's ProgressJohn Bunyan
The Plague Albert Camus
The PrinceNiccolo Machiavelli
The Scarlet LetterNathaniel Hawthorne
The Sound and the FuryWilliam Faulkner
The Stranger (The Outsider)Albert Camus
The Sun Also RisesErnest Hemingway
The TrialFranz Kafka
Their Eyes Were Watching GodZora Neale Hurston
Things Fall ApartChinua Achebe
To Kill a MockingbirdHarper Lee
To the LighthouseVirginia Woolf
Tropic of CancerHenry Miller
UlyssesJames Joyce
Uncle Tom's CabinHarriet Beecher Stowe
War and PeaceLeo Tolstoy
Wuthering HeightsEmily Bronte

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